Practical Tips For Affordable Building


Good design has a clarity to its parts which should make it easy (and affordable) to build and understand. Avoid complexity – One common feature today (in a builder house/plan book house) is a roof line with umpteen gables along the facade with a myriad of things glued on. Rarely can anyone experience that complexity of space inside.

Think inside the box: the least expensive homes are simple rectangles and squares. You can add curb appeal with great colors and a few attractive architectural flourishes. The box is the simplest and most affordable thing to build. A floor plan that zigzags with multiple corners is something else to avoid. Watch how the spaces are arranged in three dimensions. Is there a logical structural organization? Keep the roof simple: complex roof lines not only add significant cost, but the risk of future leaks. A simple, not too steep roof will protect your investment over time. Keep it small – As we look at the houses around us, we see one common problem – building too big. How much space do you really need? Instead of building a bigger house, get rid of your stuff. Most families do not need more than a 223 sq.m. house.